claude martin
Claude Martin is a sociologist, research professor at the CNRS (National scientific research centre), University of Rennes, France. Chair “Childhood, well-being and parenting” at the EHESP school of public health. He has been a lecturer at Caen University (1982-1992), at the French national school of public health (1992-1996), and full-time researcher at the CNRS (since 1996). Claude Martin graduated in psychology (MA, University of Caen, 1978) followed by a grant from the Canadian government for PhD in psychology at the Laval University in Quebec (1979-1980), during which time he acted as a research assistant in social psychology and psychology of health. On his return to France, he took up sociology studies (Ph.D. from Paris 8 University, supervised by Robert Castel, and accreditation to direct research from the Paris 5 University with François de Singly).
Claude Martin has developed his research on family issues and social policies, beginning with research on the consequences of divorce and the way they are regulated by the state (in civil and social law), and more extensively by comparing family policies in Europe, but also childcare and long term care policies. Since March 2017, he received support to run a research chair on “Childhood, well-being, parenting.” Claude Martin has published and/or edited 26 books, around one hundred articles in peer-reviewed journals, and 150 chapters in academic books. Claude Martin was awarded the rank of Knight in the National Order of the Legion of Honour by the Ministry of the Family, Childhood, and Women’s Rights in 2017.
Personal website
Research Gate
Google Scholar
Claude Martin has developed his research on family issues and social policies, beginning with research on the consequences of divorce and the way they are regulated by the state (in civil and social law), and more extensively by comparing family policies in Europe, but also childcare and long term care policies. Since March 2017, he received support to run a research chair on “Childhood, well-being, parenting.” Claude Martin has published and/or edited 26 books, around one hundred articles in peer-reviewed journals, and 150 chapters in academic books. Claude Martin was awarded the rank of Knight in the National Order of the Legion of Honour by the Ministry of the Family, Childhood, and Women’s Rights in 2017.
Personal website
Research Gate
Google Scholar
- Martin, C., Buzaud, J., Diter K., et Perron Z. 2019, Revue de politiques sociales et familiales / Social and Family Policies Review, numéro thématique « Understanding Children’s Well-Being : A Political Issue », n°132-133.
- Martin C. (ed.). 2017. Accompagner les parents dans leur travail éducatif et de soins. Savoirs, questions et perspectives pour l'action publique et la recherche. Paris, la Documentation française.
- Martin C. (ed). 2014. "Être un bon parent": Une injonction contemporaine. Rennes, Presses de l'EHESP
- Ravault J-F, Martin C. et Weber F. 2014. Handicap et perte d’autonomie. Des défis pour la recherche en sciences sociales. Presses de l’EHESP. 167 pages
- B. le Bihan, C. Martin & T. Knijn (Eds), 2013, Work and Care Under Pressure. Care Arrangements Across Europe. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
- Castel R., Martin C. (dir), 2012, Changements et pensées du changement. Echanges avec Robert Castel, Paris, La Découverte (2ème édition augmentée, 2014).
- Lemoine S., Hamel M-P, Martin C., 2012, Aider les parents à être parents. Le soutien à la parentalité, une perspective internationale, Paris, La Documentation française et Centre d’analyse stratégique.
- Palier B., Martin C., (eds), 2008, Reforming Bismarckian Welfare Systems, Oxford, Blackwell.
- Le Bihan B., Martin C. (dir), 2008, Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle en Europe, Rennes, Presses de l'EHESP.
- Martin C. (dir). 2003. Les personnes âgées dépendantes. Quelles politiques en Europe ? Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
- Commaille J., Martin C., 1998, Les enjeux politiques de la famille. Paris, éditions Bayard
- Martin C. 1997. L’après-divorce. Lien familial et vulnérabilité. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes.
- Lesemann F., Martin C. (ed). 1993. Home-based Care, the Elderly, the Family and the Welfare-State : An International Comparison. Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press.
- Le Gall D., Martin C., 1987, Les familles monoparentales. Evolution et traitement social. Paris, Editions sociales françaises.